At School of the Good Shepherd we believe that every second counts. Research strongly suggests that every day of attendance in school contributes towards a child’s learning, and that academic outcomes are enhanced by maximising attendance in school.
School Absences
If a child is to be absent from school, parents are asked to notify the class teacher face to face or via email, phone the school or notify through the Skoolbag app or phone the office at 9338 7686.
Student Supervision
For safety reasons, once students come to school, they are not permitted to leave the school grounds without a parent – before or during school hours. Staff members supervise students between 8.30am and 3.45pm.
Students are required to be at school no later than 8.55am to prepare themselves for the day. Teachers are on yard duty from 8.30am. Upon arriving at school, students are to enter the yard either through the gate next to Kiss and Drop, the Kiss and Drop gates in the car park, through the doors next to the Prep rooms and through the back gates in Burnleigh Drive. At 8:50 am the music will play and all students will line up with their bags, teachers will come out to collect the students.
Parents will say goodbye to their children at this point, and the students will walk with their teachers inside the school. To promote independence, it is an expectation that all students carry their own bags, unpack them and get themselves ready for learning. A bell rings at 9:00am for the start of the day.
Students are dismissed from the yard at 3.30pm. Teachers will be on duty in the school yard, at kiss and drop and on the crossing until 3.45pm. Any child still remaining at school after the 3.45pm must wait in the office.
If students ride bicycles or scooters to school, they are to walk them through the school and place them in the grassed alcove just near the Year 1 and 2 area. Helmets MUST be worn. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, a parent is unable to collect a child up at the expected time, please contact the school as soon as possible. This will ensure the wellbeing of your child.
Leaving during School Hours
Parents are required to sign their children in using the IPad at the office if they arrive late to school, or if they are leaving school early. This ensures that we know who is present at the school at all times. Parents are asked to notify the child’s class teacher regarding early departures from school. If there is a change to the normal routine, please notify the school during the day with the change of plans so the students can be informed.